Our services at Omsai are unique and individualized thereby providing you with a direction; an action plan to achieve your objective. The diverse experience of our advisors offers an environment of creative professional consulting and advisement. Consulting services cover a broad range of services across our core areas of business with a focus on Customer Management
This covers all aspects of your operation, strategy and performance. Our Consultants will work with you using structured methodologies to improve service quality, manage costs and raise performance levels in your department.
We provide system administration services for systems running Linux, UNIX, VMS, VAX/VMS, and OpenVMS. Services can be provided:
- At a customer’s site
- Via dial-in modem
- Via the Internet using VPN technologies
- Backup strategy
- Disaster recovery planning and testing
- Software installation and upgrade
- New system setup.
- Software upgrade
- System tuning and system performance improvement
- Hardware upgrades and repair
- Platform consolidation
- Platform migration.
We provide application development services to clients who choose to implement the solution themselves, using their own resources. Our consultants, who all have in-depth experience in relevant applications and business aspects of the implementation, will be able to provide the expert advice required to ensure successful implementation and deployment. We specialize in providing technology experts to fill key roles that make a difference on your critical software projects. Omsai consultants specialize in advanced technologies in the areas of Unified Process and Unified Modeling Language, Usability, Strategy and Management, Process, Requirements, Architecture, Programming, Quality Assurance and Tools.